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About Us

About Cases2SuitU

Cases2SuitU are a dedicated phone case and accessories company. We are here to cater your every need and to find the perfect phone case for you. We Have a large selection of high quality smart, sophisticated, fashionably fun accessories.
We have a small business at the moment which consists of 3 working staff members but we aim to expand and have many more people working for us. We will also eventually have a fully working website to work alongside the app.
Cases2SuitU are committed to providing excellent customer service. If you order a case before 4pm it will be sent out in the post the same day. We will also have a dedicated support line where you can ring or email us and we can provide product information and advice to our customers.
Our Staff are trained, highly motivated and who make every effort top provide the best customer service to make a success of the business.

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